Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yahoo and twitter sitting in a tree.

Yahoo = Bing backend – yahoo face – twitter search – facebook share. What a Mutt.
Google uses meta tags to characterize web sites and provide more accurate and useful search results. Meta tags are abused; Google ditches the value and relevance that meta tags possess. Google focuses on quality of page content. Google notices the use of real time search tools.
Twitter uses hash tags (#) hash tags are used to document topics of discussion. Hash tags are also used for following and searching content.
Twitter provides a small window (140 characters) for attention. Competition for the appearance on search results starts now.
Google is huge, Twitter becomes huge, Yahoo still wants to play the game. Yahoo partners with Twitter. Yahoo uses hash tags to display relevant results.
On the next episode – hash tags and content becomes abused and unreliable, twitter becomes distrusted and cluttered. Yahoo turns to plan C, Google laughs.

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