Tuesday, May 17, 2011

10 Year old girls with iPhones these days..

While sitting in the waiting room of the chiropractors office filling out my new patient forms I became distracted by the person sitting across the room speaking on their hot pink covered iPhone. "She looks rather young" I though, not to mention speaking rather loudly on her mothers mobile phone for a doctors office. I put my head down and got back to marking the ares of my back with pain, "I just called to give you my new phone number Grandma" came the voice of the little girl "It's xxx-xxx-xxx, ok well I have to go, I have another call.." keeping my head down my eyes shot towards the little girl. I wont dictate the conversation that was had between her and her friend, but it was about the strangeness that her friend had not received the video text message sent to her while they both got ready for school.
(obviously meaning that her friend also has a phone capable of receiving video text messages).

The Doctor walked into the lobby and asked if the mother was ready, "Not me" replied the mother, this visit is for [Name], I almost choked. Once they were both in the Doctors office and while handing my clipboard to the secretary I asked how old the secretary though the little girl talking on the phone was, "10 I think" she replied.

I am not sure what to say about this quite yet, I just had to get it out of my head.

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